Sandy Creek Baptist Church
Saturday, May 04, 2024
Pastor, Philip Johnson

Our History

Like so many churches of its day, Sandy Creek had a very humble beginning. It was established in 1882  under the leadership of Rev. Berry L. Johnson and Adam Foster. Country records state that two acres of land were awarded to the church by Archibald T. MacIntyre for the sum of $1.00 and good will. Sandy Creek began holding its services under an arbor and eventually constructed a building to worship in. Apparently the first building was destroyed by fire and another was built in its place and not only does it still stand today; but it has served this church as its place of worship for well over 120 years. While the building itself has been modified with the addition of Sunday School rooms in both the good times and bad there has remained a faithful group of people who have never failed to gather in this place and give worship and honor to God.
On Easter Sunday 2009 Sandy Creek was blessed after much prayer, planning and action to have held services in a new and larger worship space. It marked another step forward in the storied history of this family of believers. Once again, though the building is new and many faces have changed in the congregation through the years, our calling remains the same. We are to gather in this place to declare and lift up the name of Jesus Christ to disciple one another to be faithful followers of Christ and each time we leave this place of worship we are to be the salt and light to a world around us so that they may see Christ in us.