Sandy Creek Baptist Church
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Pastor, Philip Johnson

May 31, 2018 -


NOTE:  This newsletter included several pictures which are referenced in the text.  For the safety of our Worker in the Field, the photos are not included here.  Please contact the church office if you would like to be added to the mailing list in order to receive and view the monthly newsletters in their entirety.



Many of you lifted up my travel this past month and I am so grateful.  Travel here in Nation can be exhausting.  There are so many things to watch for as you driving like people, potholes, wild animals, livestock, donkey carts, other vehicles, and so much more!  It is always an adventure.  Thankfully I made it to the meeting with only minor vehicle trouble and was able to get it fixed upon my arrival.  Again, thank you so much for your thoughts!  

Here are some pictures from the road.  First, a troop of monkeys hanging out under a bridge.  Second is lunch on the road, egg sandwich and fries.

My travel was to a nearby country for a meeting of like-minded believers whom the Father has called to reach out to the Sunny people.  These friends are from all over the world.  Many of us have different backgrounds and heart languages, but the Father has brought us together for one reason:  to see his kingdom come among the Sunny people.  It was an incredible time of fellowship, encouragement, discussion, and fun.  
I was able to learn so much more about the customs, values, language, and priorities of the Local people.  It is incredibly valuable to have this time to learn, so that we can effectively share his Word among the Locals.  This year three Local believers joined us.  They are three of about one hundred believers worldwide. They joyfully shared with us about their people that they love so much and how they ache for them to know the goodness of the Father. I also got to hear from so many who are doing the His work among the Local across six countries.  It is so exciting to hear about the progress and exchange ideas with fellow workers.  
My favorite part of this conference is the time of “Pryer and Pics.”  This year we were asked to share three pictures from this past year. One picture that encourages you. One picture that challenges you. One picture that gives you hope. These were my pictures I shared this year.


As I lead the team in Ktown


An opportunity to share the Good News in the market

Around 60 believers trained to share

After your pictures are shared the group prys for you and your work.  The conference is held in English, but as I stated earlier, we all do not have the same heart language.  As pryers were lifted up, it was overwhelming as these cries were spoken in Chinese, French, English, Portuguese, Sunny, Swiss-German, and Spanish.  It was an incredible and beautiful picture of the body of Chr!st coming together.  It was a time I will cherish over the next year, as I remember my brothers and sisters who are also serving to the Locals come to Him.