Sandy Creek Baptist Church
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Pastor, Philip Johnson

Worker in the Field - Update # 26, 2019.12.29

December 29, 2018 -


I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! I had a wonderful time celebrating with all my friends who are like family. On Christmas morning, there was a recording breaking 45 adults at chrch. It was amazing to see such a huge crowd! We sang and danced our hearts out in celebration of the birth of our Sav1or!  Also, I got to sing a solo (never to be repeated again) on the church’s new microphone!
It was an absolutely amazing morning! And just when I thought the morning could not get any better I received a phone call from a friend in the village.  
Our team visits this village every week. There is one believer living there.  We go weekly to d1iscple her and share with others. The phone call was from a man in the village who immediately asked, “When are you coming back?  It better be soon, because there are six people here who want to become believers!”
Really, the best Christmas present ever!  
On the Friday after Christmas, we made a trip to the village.  In the early afternoon, we called together the people who would like to become believers.  Seven young men gathered around and asked many questions. A few said that they would like to make a decision, but want to wait until everyone can gather. I thought to myself, “Wait there’s more?”  Then a man told us of some others who would like to follow, but couldn’t come that day. We immediately made plans to come next week and spend the night in order to meet with everyone after supper.  
We are so excited about this meeting next week and we would love for you to join us in pr@yer. 

·        Ask we would prepare in pr@yer before the Lord before we go to share.  

·        Ask that any walls that prevent decisions would be torn down.  

·        Ask for supernatural understanding for the seekers. 

·        Ask for courage to stand firm in their new-found faith.

Thank you so much for much for partnership!  It is invaluable. The Father is doing great things and I am so glad that He is giving each one of us a chance to join in the work.


(Please note that in the original newsletter, photos were included at this point.  Due to security concerns those photos are not included here; however, if you would like to be added to the email distribution list in order to receive the newsletters directly from the Worker in the Field unedited, please contact the church office.)


In place of the pryer calendar, please take the time to pry for a friend listed above each day