Sandy Creek Baptist Church
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Pastor, Philip Johnson

February 16, 2017 -


First Month Gone...

Well, this past month has been a whirlwind and has gone by so fast.  I am in full-blown language study and taking it a day at a time.  I meet with my language helper Monday-Friday for four hours.  Then after some studying I go out and practice.


My practice time has allowed me to meet so many people and create relationships.  A special relationship that I have begun to build is with a woman named Lydia*.  She is a believer and is one of our strongest national partners.  She has a passion for the Father that is so evident in her life.  She accompanies some of my colleagues to villages often to tell the stories.  Lydia and her family welcomed me in their home this past week.  I spent almost two days completely immersed in their language and culture and I loved absolutely every minute of it.


We cooked.  We washed dishes.  We greeted neighbors.  We washed clothes.  We went to the market.  We laughed.  We talked.  And we talked some more!  Then as night arrived Lydia asked me a question, one that I want to always remember: “Why do you want to learn our language, Dialect?”  I told her I want to speak so I can tell the stories of the Father’s Word.  I want to share the love of the Son with everyone here.  She looked at me and said, “If you want to tell stories, then let’s tell stories now.”  I looked at her with wide eyes, as I can barely utter but a few unintelligible sentences in this new language. 


She asked me what I read in my quiet time that morning. I told her the betrayal of the Son in the garden and she said “Great, let’s start there!”  For the next two hours, we storied through the Word.  I struggled and she was gracious and patient.  She helped me with every single word.  She carried me through the stories.


It was my first time to tell the stories of our Redeemer in this language.  As I spoke I was overwhelmed by the faithfulness the Father has shown me over the last month.  He has called me here.  He has brought me here.  He has given me friends.  He is loosening my tongue.  He is giving me a love for my people.  He is working. 


I long for the day when I am able to tell stories on my own.  I know that day will come, because my Father is not only able, but He is faithful.  I pry when that day comes I will remember the first time I told a story in this language.  I pry I will remember how I depended on Lydia as every word left my lips.  In just the same way, I pry that I will depend on my Father for every word as He gives me the privilege to share His Word in a land where so many have not heard. 


I cannot thank you enough for intercession this past month.  I am forever grateful for the time you have spent before the throne on behalf of my people and myself. 



  • Pry for language learning classes and people to talk practice with everyday
  • Pry for Jordan, a National man, who is seeking the Father and wants to know more
  • Pry for my continual transition back to Nation
  • Pry for my family back in the States as we all adjust to being apart