Sandy Creek Baptist Church
Monday, May 06, 2024
Pastor, Philip Johnson

April 23, 2018 -


April 2018

This past month has been full of some great moments of getting to see the Father at work.  It has humbled me to see Him working in awesome ways despite many obstacles. I thank each of you for the prayers that you have offered on behalf of the people here in Country.  
We are continuing to go out to KTown every week. Although, we have lessened in number, we have grown in passion for the neighborhood.  Many of the teammates have shared with me that past month about how the L0rd is growing them and how they don’t want to stop with just KTown.  They want to continue to go other places in the future and proclaim the Good News.  
I want to share a KTown testimony with you from Friday, April 7. 
We went to meet up with the team to go to KTown and share the Good News. No one showed up. I was extremely disappointed. I went home and just pryed that night for the hearts for the members of our team to be burdened for people of KTown. I pryed for the hearts of those in KTown. 
I woke up on Saturday morning and pryed again. I committed our time in KTown to the Lord. That morning four team members showed up and were ready to go out. 

We arrived in Ktown and split into two teams. My team began walking and greeting. Soon after, a little boy came up to us and said, "My father really wants a B!ble. Follow me to my house" So, we followed him to his house and there we met his father. When he saw the B!ble he was overcome with joy. We sat down and he told us his testimony of coming to the Father eighteen years ago. He explained how he came to know the son through several dreams the L0rd had sent to him. He said he had not read much of the Word and he wants to learn all he can. We asked if we could come back and begin teaching him. He agreed! 

It was amazing how the Father orchestrated all of this! We hope to begin a disciplesh!p process with this man next week.
Then we met up with the other group, as they approached us they had huge smiles on their faces. They shared the news that a man and a woman had accepted the Son. We just stood there and just praised the Father for his goodness and for the new life for the two!

We will also begin the disciplesh!p process with them as well.

At the beginning of the weekend, it seemed as though the enemy had won. But by the end of weekend the Father had the victory and now we have a new brother and a sister! Praise be to HIM!
We made plans for the next weekend to start and disciple these new believers.  The team and I worked together to develop a short-term discipleship set.  The set consists of nine stories that a provide essential lessons for the new believer.  Currently, we are on the fifth story with the believer who received the B!ble that weekend.  The fifth story is Philip and the Ethopian Eunuch, a story of obedience and bapt!sm. After the story, he expressed that he wants to be bapt!zed and be obedient to the Father.  We are excited to see his growth and his desire to honor the L0rd with his life.  
Pleas pry for the woman who accepted Chr!st in KTown.  She has a solid understanding of what the G0spel is and she says she wants to follow Him, but right now she too scared.  She is scared of what her family will do, scared of persecution, and scared of change in her life at an old age.  Please pray for courage to step out in faith.  Pray for the salvation of her family as well.  We will continue to visit her each week as we go to KTown.  
We will hopefully begin disc!pleship with the your man who accepted Christ this coming week.  Please pry for our schedules, so that we can find a time to meet up.  As for his friend’s salvation, as well.  His friend listened very intently as the team shared that day.
Thank you so much for all your support and pryers.  I really am so thankful for each of you!  

·        I will be doing some traveling this month.  Please pry for my safety on these roads.  Also, pry for the KTown team to continue to go out even without me here.